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Juan Jose Maria


Multimedia Artist. Undergraduate and postgraduate research professor at the National University of the Arts (UNA). Director of the postgraduate Specialization in Media and Technologies for Pictorial Production, Department of Visual Arts, National University of the Arts (UNA).

I am interested in the confluence of contemporary art and technology. As a professor and artist, I collaborate in disseminating and promoting the use of free software and the GNU/Linux operating system.


  • Holder of the subject General Informatics, Transdepartmental Area of Multimedia Arts, National University of the Arts (UNA).
  • Holder of the subject Applied Informatics 2, Transdepartmental Area of Multimedia Arts, National University of the Arts (UNA).
  • Holder of the subject Multimedia Arts 2, Transdepartmental Area of Multimedia Arts, National University of the Arts (UNA).
  • Head of Practical Works of the subject Multimedia Arts 3, Emiliano Causa Chair, Transdepartmental Area of Multimedia Arts, National University of the Arts (UNA).
  • Head of Practical Works of the subjects Trade and Technique of the Visual Arts: Digitization of Images Levels I, II and III, Anahi Caceres Chair, Department of Visual Arts, National University of the Arts (UNA).


  • Subject Animation and video games in the context of cultural industries. Master’s Degree in Animation and Video Game Direction and Production, Transdepartmental Area of ​​Multimedia Arts, National University of the Arts (UNA).
  • Subject Technologies and Pictorial Modes, Specialization in Media and Technologies for Pictorial Production, National University of the Arts (UNA), Department of Visual Arts.
  • Subject Contemporary Technologies Applied to Textile. Specialization in Contemporary Textile Artistic Practices, National University of the Arts (UNA), Department of Visual Arts.
  • Subject Experimentations with Applied Technologies. Specialization in Contemporary Textile Artistic Practices, National University of the Arts (UNA), Department of Visual Arts.


  • Electrotechnician specialized in Industrial Automation. E.E.S.T Nro. 3 S.I.
  • Computer Engineering Studies – University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
  • Bachelor of Visual Arts with orientation in Drawing, National University of Arts (UNA).
  • Master in Electronic Arts, National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF).


Postgraduate courses on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Neurosciences.
Art and technology workshops at the Telefonica Foundation Space and at the Spanish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires.
Scholarship for two consecutive years in the Fundación Telefónica Space Art Science and Technology Workshop Interactive Program.

Numerous exhibitions in public and private institutions, galleries, cultural centers and museums.