- Tirigall, J. J. M. y Sousa, I. C. (2023). From Mnemosyne to Blade Runner: An Atlas of passions to see, investigate and complete. National University of the Arts (UNA).
- Tirigall, J. J. M. (2023). Uses of the Video Game within the artistic device. 21st century, State of the art and artists in the era of global technology. Anahi Caceres Chair, National University of the Arts (UNA), 67-80.
- AA.VV. (2021). Annual Caceres Chair Exhibition. National University of the Arts (UNA).
- AA.VV. (2020). A journey from data to matter. National University of the Arts (UNA).
- Tirigall, J. J. M. (2018). Mixed Realities in Art, Science and Videogames: A historical journey within the spectrum of the Reality-Virtuality Continuum. Invasion Generativa III, 3, 113-170.
- Tirigall, J. J. M. (2018). Video mapping on complex objects in small and medium scale. Invasion Generativa III, 3, 175-193.
- Tirigall, J. J. M. (2012). Social Substrates: Systemic-Mechanistic. Thesis for the Bachelor of Visual Arts, National University of Arts (UNA).